Education Partnership – Your Child’s School & Kip McGrath

by | Aug 13, 2022

For best effect, an education partnership between school and Kip is demonstrated to produce amazing results. Students often come to Kip for the first time as the result of an event at school. It might be a single event (parents evening) or a series of events (test results, struggling with specific parts of the curriculum). This causes you as a parent to take action, likely to be booking a free educational assessment at Kip. In almost all cases, it’s the student who is seeks the help, to enable them to do better and be more confident in school.

At Kip we work with this by listening to what both parents and students think the issues are. We then follow up by looking at where the student is currently working, identifying their current strengths and weaknesses. This allows us to see first-hand what it is that might be holding the student back. We’ll discuss these findings with the parent, explaining what we feel needs to be done to achieve a successful outcome.

Once a student enrols at Kip, we see this as an education partnership with school, enabling the student to become successful. This combined approach is required, in order to bring about the desired results. Schools do a great job at educating large numbers of students. At Kip we’re able to help those individuals who just can’t succeed in the school environment; perhaps they miss topics or struggle with the way subjects are taught in a large class environment. Kip McGrath provide the opportunity to work at the child’s pace, in an atmosphere they’re completely happy with. This helps them improve academically and become more confident, producing the desired results back in school, where it really matters.

The current UK Education system utilises a “one size fits all” approach, in order to work with increasing numbers of students. Not every child fits well with this philosophy; the circumstances just aren’t right for them. Being able to use Kip in tandem, to support the work they’re doing in school, is the ideal scenario. Kip acts as a boost to their school learning and successfully transforms the school life of the student. Some students need Kip help for a short time, to address immediate issues; for others it’s a longer journey, enabling them to achieve the outcomes they desire throughout their educational journeys.

The perfect education partnership is described by this simple maths equation,

“School” + “Kip” = “A Happy, successful student”

At Kip we fully understand the relationship between parents, schools and other factors. By working in partnership children can achieve educational success. They get to choose the next steps for themselves, resulting in improved whole of life outcomes.

Dave & Sue Priestley

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