Find out how your child is really doing this term

by | Mar 4, 2021

At Kip, our no-obligation, free-of-charge Educational assessment provides you as a Parent with a benchmark of how your child is performing in school. This is a step we see, as being of critical importance, to what we offer local Parents. You may know your child is struggling; alternatively, they might be struggling and you’re not aware. This is an opportunity to find out for certain. Some Parents see the Educational assessment as a way of fact-finding, others use it as a stepping stone to putting in place intervention to improve their child’s academic performance.  

The Educational assessment tells us how they’re currently doing in school, immediately showing us their current strengths and weaknesses (yes, they will have strengths). It’s the current weaknesses that we use as a starting point if you decide to enrol them on their own unique Kip journey. It is also the baseline that we’ll be able to monitor their progress against as they move forward. 

At the assessment, a qualified teacher will spend time with your child, getting to know them a little and finding out what makes them tick. Everything we then do at Kip is individual to your child so the time is well spent. As a Parent, you will have the opportunity to meet us, see around the Centre (unless the assessment is Online) and ask any questions you might have about us or what we do. You can have confidence that you’re following in the footsteps of tens of thousands of Parents who have used Kip successfully on their child’s educational journey. 

Dave & Sue Priestley

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Dave & Sue Priestley

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