For Schools
This is our dedicated page for schools close to us in Allenton, Derby, and in the wider Derby city catchment areas. We post items of interest for schools, plus updates on the work we’ve been doing locally in the school communities. Our Primary purpose through what we do helping young people improve their academic abilities is to boost their achievement in school. We see this very much as a Partnership where everyone wins; the student; the school and Kip. If you would like to find out about how Kip McGrath Derby South can help your school achieve better outcomes, please give Sue a call; we’d love to hear from you.
Over the past 14 years we’ve built solid relationships with several local Primary & Secondary schools through recommendations, and via providing our professional Maths and English intervention for disadvantaged students.
You’ll also find a list of all the primary and secondary schools within our catchment with links to their websites.
Primary Schools within our Catchment
Secondary Schools within our Catchment
Secondary Schools within Kip McGrath Derby South Catchment
Citywide Secondary Schools within Derby
‘Year 11 Maths Student
Merrill Academy
‘It’s helped me with my maths because the teacher sat down and listened to me on what I was struggling with. They explained it when I was stuck.’
Year 11 English Student
Merrill Academy
‘The teaching is really good and I learnt and furthered my understanding with their help.’
Year 11 Maths Student
Merrill Academy
‘This has really helped me be more confident in answering certain questions. Thank you both for your time and patience with me. I really appreciate it. Going to miss you both.’
Year 11 English Student
Merrill Academy
‘I found it to be a great experience and very beneficial to my English capabilities. Thank you!’
Year 11 Maths Student
Merrill Academy
‘I have enjoyed these sessions as they have helped me improve in the subject. The support that I have been given is amazing.’
Year 11 English Student
Merrill Academy
‘It was really helpful in my English language and Miss Kathryn is an amazing teacher.’
Sarah Ferguson
DDAT Chief Operating Officer
‘DDAT is a multi-academy trust of 28 schools located across Derby City and Derbyshire. During the Summer break 2020, DDAT worked with the Kip McGrath team based in Derby to set up a bespoke catch-up tutoring programme for targeted DDAT pupils across Derby and Derbyshire utilising the local centres but coordinated centrally by the team in Derby. The DDAT/Kip McGrath summer catch up programme was set up very quickly by the Derby team, with reporting mechanisms and quality assurance processes established to monitor effectiveness.
As part of the COVID-19 catch-up, the project was extremely successful in terms of participation by pupils and outcomes. Some participating schools have requested to continue with the Kip McGrath tutoring for specific pupils as part of the wider programme of catch-up in the 2020/21 academic year and some parents and carers have also elected to continue with tutoring at their own expense due to the successful outcomes and ease of access.’
Jo Amps
Chellaston Academy
‘I use the Derby South Branch and I have always found the communication is excellent, they are quick at responding to enquires and quick at getting things up and running for students that I refer to them. The students have found it to be a really enjoyable experience, either going into the centre when allowed or having their sessions online. We have found the online provision to be excellent, if there have been any issues with logging in they have been able to solve this usually on the night. I have also found that the price for the sessions is extremely reasonable.’
Get in touch if we can help you with Professional Intervention Tutoring
Call us on 01332 381127 or click the button below
“When she started Kip the school said that she was 2 years behind her peers. In the 6 months she’s attended the school are now saying she’s caught up a whole year. We’re both really happy.”