Our free educational assessment is designed to identify any gaps in your child’s learning and to also identify your child’s strengths. The free assessment can take anywhere from 40 – 60 minutes and is conducted by a fully qualified teacher. Your child will be assessed on English or maths or both depending on your child’s needs. At Kip McGrath we use a combination of computer-based and written tasks to assess. Following the assessment, you can talk directly to the teacher to discuss the results and ask any questions you may have. The assessment results help us to design an individualised learning programme for your child. 

You’re under no obligation to enrol your child at the end of the assessment as we want you to be sure that you have considered this step fully as it’s such an important one. If you do subsequently decide to enrol your child; 

  • We will only recommend tutoring if your child needs it. 
  • A personalised learning programme is created just for your child. 
  • Goals are set and agreed upon by both parties. 
  • Weekly tutoring sessions are booked in for a time that suits you best. 
  • We have a simple enrolment process – no lock-in contracts.


Trust your Intuition

Book a Free Assessment