Every week at Kip, Dave & Sue see evidence that the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on young people’s education are alive and kicking. Students present for Kip educational assessments missing key skills that would have been taken for granted prior to 2020. We witness first-hand; bigger learning gaps, especially in fundamental areas such as maths and reading, an increase in anxiety and a significant decrease in student confidence. Published evidence tells us that the pandemic has also had a significant impact on the mental health and wellbeing of many students. Examples of issues of isolation, anxiety and disrupted routines have affected students we see coming to Kip and in school today. Sue & Dave also experience increasing numbers of home-schooled young people, looking to move out of traditional school-based education. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds continue to struggle the most; getting these students back on track, including school attendance, is one of the biggest challenges in education today.
At Kip McGrath Derby South we know we have the very best teachers, who have the necessary skills and experience to help your child rediscover their lost love of learning. For the past four years they have been making a real difference to their Kip students; fighting back against the above symptoms. A constant throughout this time is that our teachers receive encouraging weekly feedback from students who are doing better in school. This creates such a positive dynamic when set against the overall education headlines. We know that Kip makes a significant difference to students who attend, who really can look forward to building brighter futures for themselves.
We appreciate that having the right inspirational environment for young people to engage and to learn well is vital to student’s progress. This is something we have always worked hard at and this continues to be our focus today. Academic learning through relationships is the primary focus of both student and teacher. Kip is 100% geared to your child’s needs; we always plan, teach and mark individually. Our strongest testimony is that this suits some children very well. The school examination performance of Kip students is encouraging to Kip teachers every year. Barriers that were difficult to break down have been smashed. Targets have been exceeded. The partnership that Dave & Sue have with local schools continues to bear much fruit. The barrier of Covid can be broken down.
Find out how Kip McGrath Derby South can help your child to bridge the (Covid-19) generational attainment gaps and to realise their full potential by calling Sue on 01332 381127 today.